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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This pisses me off... but not for the reasons you think

Here, again, we have an example of false, misleading, race baiting information circulated in meme form to get people up in arms and in their feelings about something that isn't even true. Whoever created this garbage is obviously playing on the fact that people DON'T fact check, research or reason for themselves... rather if something is stated succinctly on the internet (especially in meme form) it must be true. So you have this trash circulating around the internet, with hundreds of comments, thousands of likes and ten thousand shares, when a simple Google search would expose the blaring differences between the truth and what's written here. I'll try to be brief in giving all of the reasons why this picture is simply not true.

Wait... let me correct that. The information on the right side (Catalina Clouser) is basically correct. She's a 19 year old mother who was smoking marijuana one day, put her child's car seat on top of the car and then drove 12 miles without realizing that the child had been up there and had fallen off a ways back. The child was unharmed, Catalina was arrested, her child placed with Child Protective Services, and she pled guilty on a plea bargain with a sentence of 16 years probation and 3 months of deferred jail time (if she complies with probation, she wont go to jail). Here's a link with the full story.

Now onto Ms. Taylor.

Ms. Taylor is a 35 year old Air Force veteran who, finding herself down on her luck, went to a job interview one day and left her 2 year old and 6 month old children in the car for at least an hour. The windows were cracked about an inch and the children were found sweating and crying by a passerby who called the police. Taylor said that she left the children in the car out of desperation because she was homeless and unemployed with no child care, but that is in dispute as it has been reported that she lived with her father in a 4 bedroom home at the time, and some reports say she held a part time job. In any case, she was arrested and her children were placed with Child Protective Services as she currently awaits trial.

So here's what the meme got wrong
1. Taylor wasn't homeless (though she did not own the home she stayed in)
2. The children were 2 years old and 6 months old, not 2 months and 6 years old
3. The children did not "wait in the car". She left two babies in a car in Arizona in the middle of the day for at least an hour. The temperature inside the car was 100 degrees when they were found.
4. She was not sentenced to jail and her children taken away. Her case has not been resolved yet, she wasn't sentenced to anything.

BOTH women were arrested and charged with multiple felonies including child abuse.
BOTH women spent days in jail until they were bailed/bonded out
BOTH women's children were placed in CPS custody, as is the case in the majority of occurrences of a parent being arrested for child abuse.
BOTH women were facing 8+ years in jail when first charged with their respective crimes.

Up to this point, the women were treated basically the same, except for the fact that Taylor has received an enormous amount of support and contributions from people who sympathize with the desperation she must have felt to make the choice to leave her kids in the car. More than likely, Taylor will receive a similar, or even less harsh, plea deal involving probation, parenting classes, etc. (if she decides to accept it). Let's not forget though, what she did WAS a crime, it was negligent, and had the story ended tragically as these stories often do, we probably wouldn't be sympathizing with her.

I'll sum it up with this... Don't believe everything you read on a meme. Especially when it is an obvious play on your emotions and intelligence. There are enough REAL cases of racism, injustice and inequality for us to rally against. Let's focus on those.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Client...

Dear Client,
In case you didn't know, there is sort of an unwritten rule that if you buy certain things from the "neighborhood kid", there is a 99.999% chance those things are stolen. These things include, but are not limited to, televisions, DVD players, iPods, digital cameras, iguanas, Coach handbags, diamond necklaces, and those license plates you bought for $5 so you could move your unregistered car.

That's just for future reference.

Dear Client...

Dear Client, You just pled guilty to disorderly conduct in an assault case your wife filed against you where she accused you of punching her in the face and choking her. She asked for a limited order of protection because you both agreed that you want to continue your marital relationship and the rearing of your child. So why are you asking me if I'm involved and smiling seductively at me?? In my eyes, sir, you have about 23 strikes against you right now.

You've GOT to be kidding me,

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Client...

Dear Client,
You are my third client today who has had their girlfriend go apes*#t on them for "no apparent reason", slap them around and then call the police when they tried to defend themselves after "everything was cool" between you two just hours before. You're also my third client today who has said this isn't the first time this has happened. If you are all to be believed, then either you are all dating the same girl, or you're all attracted to crazy ass women. Either way, it's probably a good idea for you to break up with her. PMS is real.- PD

Dear Client

Dear Client,
I understand that you thought another driver spit on you through your open window while you were both sitting in traffic, but it was a really bad idea for you to get out of the car and go up to different cars waving a hammer and cursing in Korean. You're lucky the judge agreed to release you instead of ordering a mental health exam. Much love- PD

P.S. It was raining that day, wasn't it?

Dear Client...

Dear Client,
You're charged with stopping several lone male drivers outside of a gay club for the purpose of engaging in prostitution. The paperwork tells me that you're a 47 year old man and this is your first arrest. I don't know why, but I believe you when you tell me you weren't stopping them, they were stopping you and you were just waiting outside the club for your friends. I also appreciate you being so forthcoming with me as this is a pretty awkward situation for both of us, I'm sure. Signed- PD

P.S. That's a really nice dress you have on.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Client...

Dear Client, For the entire year that I represented you on your criminal cases, you were rude, unappreciative, loud, nasty, ignorant, uncooperative, unremorseful, unapologetic, and unwilling to accept the many plea offers made to you, which were beyond fair. The last time we appeared in court to finally take a guilty plea with a sentence of a few hundred dollars, you made it clear to me that you "ain't finna pay dat fine. See if they catch my black ass first." Well now here you are, leaving me a voicemail message that you were arrested on a warrant for nonpayment and you'll be looking for me in court to defend you. To that, I say kick rocks clown, I don't represent "yo black ass" anymore. -Good luck with that, PD

Dear Client...

Dear Client, If you think that cursing and complaining just loud enough for the court officers to hear you about how long it's taking to see the judge is going to get them to call your case any faster, then by all means, my brother, kept right on cursing and complaining. I'll just let you know now that not only does it make you look ignorant, but I'm sure the officers took the time to find out who you are and make sure your case gets called dead last. I mean, that's what I would do. Sincerely, PD

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear Client...

Dear Client, If you at 23 years old are going to be living in your mother's house, not working or going to school, when your mama tells you to get out of bed and hook the XBox up for your lil brother, get your ass up and do it. Don't start arguing with her and breaking stuff or you will get arrested and put out. - PD

Dear Client...

Dear Client, You made it quite clear that you think the D.A.'S offer of 90 days in jail for ticket scalping is "out of line". What's out of line, sir, is your 2 felony and 31 misdeamenor convictions. Living a life of crime is "out of line" and so is getting loud and rude at me when I'm merely trying to explain to you why the D.A. wants to offer you jail time. Jerk. -Your PD